Calculated Determination of the Seismic Resistance of Nuclear Power Plant Equipment
DOI | |
Journal | Journal of Mechanical Engineering – Problemy Mashynobuduvannia |
Publisher | A. Pidhornyi Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems National Academy of Science of Ukraine |
ISSN | 2709-2984 (Print), 2709-2992 (Online) |
Issue | Vol. 24, no. 2, 2021 (June) |
Pages | 24-36 |
Cited by | J. of Mech. Eng., 2021, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 24-36 |
Serhii A. Palkov, Joint-Stock Company Turboatom (199, Moskovskyi Ave., Kharkiv, 61037, Ukraine), e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0002-2215-0689
Ihor A. Palkov, Joint-Stock Company Turboatom (199, Moskovskyi Ave., Kharkiv, 61037, Ukraine), e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0002-4639-6595
An algorithm to confirm the seismic resistance of equipment by a calculation method is proposed, and the limits of its application are determined. A mathematical model of the equipment is developed, and an example of the determination of natural frequencies and stresses for a three-dimensional structure is given. Two main types of calculation were used – static and dynamic. In the static calculation, the stress-strain state of a structure was determined. The values of the obtained stresses were compared with the allowable ones for the materials used, on the basis of which conclusions were made about the strength of the structure under seismic effects. The dynamic calculation resulted in the determination of the rigidity of the structure. The comparison of the stress values obtained for this equipment allowed us to make a conclusion regarding its resistance to seismic effects. The seismic resistance of the equipment was estimated on the example of the K-1000-60 / 1500 steam turbine condenser, and calculated at a seismic intensity of 6 points on the MSK-64 seismic intensity scale. In the course of solving this problem, results of the stress distribution in the housing and other structural elements of the condenser due to the action of combined normal operation and design-basis seismic loads were obtained. The seismic resistance of the equipment was calculated using the finite element method. This allowed us to present a solid body in the form of a set of individual finite elements that interact with each other in a finite number of nodal points. To these points are applied some interaction forces that characterize the influence of the distributed internal stresses applied along the real boundaries of adjacent elements. To perform such a calculation in CAD modeling software, a three-dimensional model was created. The obtained geometric model was imported into the software package, which significantly reduced complexity. The use of the calculation method allows us to significantly reduce the amount of testing when confirming the seismic resistance of equipment. Results of the assessment of the spatial complex stress state of the steam turbine condenser design due to the action of combined normal operation and design-basis seismic loads are obtained.
Keywords: turbine, seismic resistance, stress, earthquake, accelerogram, finite element, natural frequency.
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Received 21 May 2021
Published 30 June 2021