The manuscript text is to be prepared in the MS-Word editor in the A4 (210×297 mm) portrait format with 25 mm margins at the top and bottom, 25 mm on the left, and 15 mm on the right. Use Times New Roman, 14 pt, and 1.5 line spacing.
The manuscript should contain the following elements:
1. The information block :
- the UDC index;
- the title of the article, which should be short (up to 20 words) and informative, contain no abbreviations, and be typed without using Shift where capital letters are not necessary;
- the surnames, names and patronymics of the authors (in their native languages);
- the ORCID identification number;
- the name of the organization where the author works, its postal address, and the author’s position;
- the e-mail addresses of the authors;
- an abstract of at least 1800 characters, which should reflect the overall purpose and aims of the article, the methods used, the results obtained, the conclusions (all three abstracts must be identical);
- keywords (no more than 7).
It is also necessary to provide the contact phone number(s) of the author(s) for consultations on the content of the manuscript.
2. The main text of the article must be in English (for English-speaking authors only), in which it is recommended to highlight the following elements:
- an introduction, which should describe the problem statement in general terms, its connection with important scientific or practical tasks, the analysis of recent research and publications where the problem is considered and the unsolved parts of the general problem are identified, and the formulation of the purpose of the article;
- the main part, which should consistently describe the research carried out by the authors, with the full justification of the results obtained;
- the discussion of the results of work;
- the conclusions obtained as a result of work, and prospects for further research in this area.
3. A list of references in the APA Citation format as in DOI must be added to each item in the list (if available).
References to the literature in the text of the article are to be given in square brackets. The list is to correspond to the order of the publications being referred to in the text of the article. It is advisable to refer to the papers published not earlier than 10 years ago. No more than 30% of the references to your own publications are allowed.
Formulas, if they are subsequently referred to in the text, are subject to sequential numbering. In this case, the formula is to be placed on a separate line, and its number − in round brackets (1) to the right. Latin letters denoting physical quantities, indices, etc., are to be printed in italic (with the exception of the common designations of functions such as abs, sin, cos and similarity numbers: Re, Nu, etc.).
Vectors and matrices are to be printed in bold without using italicizing, overlining, and bracketing. The vectors are to be typed in small letters, the matrices − in capital ones.
Simple formulas should be typed in plain text using standard MS-Word tools (italicizing, inserting symbols for Greek letters, superscripting and subscripting, etc.).
More complex formulas are to be typed using the standard MS-Equation editor with the use of standard styles and sizes. The use of other styles and other editors (for example, MathType), and the insertion of formulas as pictures are not acceptable.
All the tables and figures are to be titled below them and referred to in the text of the article. If the article contains more than one table (figure), the latter are to be numbered sequentially. The tables and figures with their titles are to be placed right after the paragraph, in which they are first referred to. The tables should have no empty lines. If there are no results in a table, dashes are to be used.
It is not permitted to divide thematic headings by using slashes. Colored illustrations can be printed only with the consent of the Editorial Board for an additional fee.
The alignment of formulas and their numbers, as well as different parts of figures and titles, is allowed to be done only with the help of tabs and paragraphs. It is strictly forbidden to use tables, frames, wraps, and other MS-Word tools for these purposes.